So what do I do to help? Simple, the Via Nova process! This is a series of 7 steps that start at the beginning, where you are now, and end when you decide to stay on your current path or take action and move to a new and exciting path. Setting these steps out offers the clarity needed to ensure that whichever path you take, there is full consideration, a well thought out plan and all objections and doubts have been overcome. This will not be easy, quick or without bumps in the road but you will have the support and guidance to ensure that the steps are covered and we won’t move on until you are happy to do so.
Why 7 steps?
I wish I could tell you that there is some magic formula, some secret code that makes these steps infallible, guaranteed and that you will come out the other side and be happy ever after – but I can’t and won’t. That said there are lots of references to “lucky number 7,” 7 in the bible, 7 in marketing and if you are interested to learn more here is a fantastic short read from Newcastle University. Hopefully the 7 steps in the Via Nova Process will be lucky for you!
As you read through this website and indeed work with me, I hope you will get the impression that I will always be honest and open. I won’t use jargon, unnecessary buzz words or linguistic deception to lull you into a false sense of security. This doesn’t mean that I do not know what I am doing, come with a “been there, done that” attitude or that I don’t understand the complexities of the science behind human psychology, that drives us all, simply that I want to level with you and communicate in a way that doesn’t alienate.
The Via Nova Process
I help you understand your current value, transferable skills, and potential growth areas.
I help you visualise your future, considering financial, personal, and social aspects.
Together we plan how to afford the transition and manage financial considerations.
Now What
What is it you want to do? What is your passion? Let’s explore the options for you.
You can now identify and overcome your fears, doubts, and obstacles.
Let’s validate your decisions through self-reflection and feedback.
Take action! Time to implement your plan and make the change on your new path!
Would you like to find out more?
Leave your details below so we can book a free, no obligation call – and I won’t add you to any mailing list unless you really want to be!